Why Choose Our Hatchery
Tailored Advantages for Backyard Chicken Flocks and Poultry Wholesalers
Embarking on your poultry-raising journey and want to learn more about Chesapeake Farm & Hatchery? We’re more than just a poultry provider; we’re your dedicated partners in cultivating healthy, happy flocks of chickens.
Discover why choosing us sets you on a path of unparalleled convenience, affordability, and personalized support. We cater to both backyard enthusiasts and wholesale poultry operations, both nationwide and in the Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia areas.
Benefits for Backyard Flocks
Low Order Minimum
Enjoy the flexibility of a low order minimum of just five (5) chicken hatchlings for your backyard flock or small farm. Low-order minimums make it easy to start or expand your feathered family.
No Small Order Fees
Unlike competitors, we believe in providing equal care and attention to every order of hatching eggs, pullets, and baby chicken hatchlings, regardless of size. Say goodbye to small order fees and embrace the freedom to choose quantities that suit your needs.
Mix and Match Heritage Breeds
Backyard flock enthusiasts and farmers can combine different breeds to meet the five-hatchling minimum order, creating a diverse and colorful flock with ease. From traditional Rhode Island Red chickens to Black Australorp, French Black Copper Maran, Lavender Orpington, Buff Orpington, Lavender Ameraucana, BBS Ameraucana, Barred Rock, Golden Laced Wyadotte, Blue Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Barnevelder chickens, we have varieties of heritage chickens that are unique and not easy to find.
Local Pick-Up Option
We are happy to offer local pick up for our customers in Maryland and the surrounding area, so you can meet your new baby chicks right away. This process makes it easier to acquire your feathered friends and get them acclimated to you and their new home more quickly. If you live in Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, local pick up is available by appointment. Unfortunately, our comprehensive bio safety program does not allow visitors to the farm.
Benefits for Chicken Farm Wholesalers
Competitive Pricing for Chicken Hatchlings and Pullets
Our wholesale program offers competitive pricing on orders of 50 or more chicken hatchlings, ensuring that larger operations receive the cost-effective solutions they need.
Local Pick-Up Option
Wholesale customers in Maryland and across the Atlantic seaboard can benefit from the convenience of local pick-up by appointment, streamlining the process of acquiring their hatchlings with ease. Apply for our Wholesale Chicken Program.
Trusted Mid Atlantic Chicken Hatchery to Build Your Flock
Whether you’re nurturing a backyard flock or managing a wholesale poultry operation, choosing Chesapeake Farm & Hatchery is a decision rooted in quality, affordability, and exceptional service. Contact us today for personalized assistance and to answer any questions you have. We are also part of the state and federal National Poultry Improvement Plan, a cooperative testing and certification program to ensure the health of the chickens we offer.
Our commitment to your success extends beyond delivering baby chicks. As chicken enthusiasts and farmers, we care about the birds we raise and look forward to welcoming you to our community which shares a passion for healthy, happy flocks. We hope you’ll choose our farm and chicken hatchery, which is dedicated to your complete success with raising chickens along the Mid Atlantic and across the United States.